Quiz Training


Before starting training, it is most useful to make sure that few items have been covered. We offer here after some of them to engage in a thinking process regarding the action that should be initiate related to training.  If you feel comfortable with the proposed statement please mark it. You can mark as many as you want.

The leadership team has a common vision for the future of the organisation.

The organisation has a vision of what she wants to be   and how she wants to work (organisation, process).

The desired managerial model is defined, or, at least, there is a dominant people management approach in place and/or recognized.

The operational objectives are clear and the required resources are identified.

There is a competencies model, at least for the key positions.

A individual or collective diagnosis has been done to identify where the gaps are between the current situation and the desired one.

Technical and/or behavioural competencies gap analysis has been identified and has been shared with the involved people.

There is an expectation for improvement from the management team and performance indicators have been defined.

What is at stake with the training and the expected impact of it have been identified and formulated.

First thoughts process has been handle.